Introducing new and old network members (Anders)Report from Workshop 1, Himmelbjergsgården Kick-off meeting and Co-Design workshop, workshop 1, (Anders, Aslaug)Introducing NEW website, please take a look and comment on a first work-in-progress version available at: www.hackourhealthecology.org (Anders)Next workshop 2 in Malmö March 1-3 2024...

This is a template (suggested) to use when writing posts that has to do with Learning in the Nordplus Horizontal project HackOurHeathEcology. Please be free to use it and send comments and suggestions for improvement to info@hackourhealthecology.org

Nordplus Horizontal network arranged a workshop activity open for the Permaculture festival goers on Saturday August 5th 2023. We wanted to give something back to the festival and use our process to get to know each others as way to show how design and participation can be an important change maker. Under the headline of "Skab håb for fremtiden...